loki season 2 episode 2

Loki Season 2 Episode 2 aired last Thursday and it was on point. Episode 1 was about Loki dealing with his time-slipping and wanting to find Sylvie. Well, in Episode 2, he finally finds Sylvie. This is my Loki Season 2 Episode 2 review post.

This episode maintains the hype of this show and keeps you guessing about what’s next to come.

Loki Season 2 Episode 2 Review

Loki Season 2 Episode 2 Review
Source – Disney+

The episode starts with Loki and Mobius visiting the sacred timeline in 1977 in London. They think that Sylvie is here but they’re in for a surprise.

It turns out that during this year, Hunter-X5 is leading his life as Hollywood Star Brad Wolfe. He’s having a premiere of his film Zaniac which is a nod to Marvel Comics.

Loki and Mobius come to know that Hunter-X5 a.k.a Brad Wolfe fled TVA because he learnt the truth and set to live a life of his own.

I love the way Loki showcases his ability of mischief while capturing X5. Marvel Studios has never done a better job at utilizing Loki before. The shadow trick scene was an eye candy. There’s also a nod to Odin and Frigga when Loki rubs his hands.

Loki and Mobius get back to the TVA after capturing Hunter X5. The scene where Hunter X5 is trying to get on Loki’s nerves is fantastic. It gets you thinking that Loki will do something out of character or go back to his old ways but the opposite happens.

Instead Mobius gets frustrated. Keep in mind Mobius as a character was never tested in Loki Season 1, so with this episode, Brad Wolfe gets on his nerves and Mobius loses his calm.

Now, the episode takes time to get to the point. But Marvel Studios did this to show the bond between Loki and Mobius.

The duo then finds out a smarter way to make Brad Wolfe talk. Finally, he reveals where Sylvie is and all of them go to Broxton in 1982 in a branched timeline.

Related – Loki Season 2 Episode 1 Post Credit Scene Explained

Loki and Sylvie reunite and you can feel that love is in the air. After they reconcile, Mobius senses the urgency in Brad Wolfe’s nature. Sylvie through her enchantment finds out what the generals at the TVA are upto.

Loki, Sylvie and Mobius stop the rogue TVA agents from pruning the branched timelines.

Meanwhile, Ke Huy Quan‘s OB cannot keep calm is still stealing the show with his charm and innocence. The temporal loom is overloading and as per OB, the temporal aura of the person who build it is required.

It’s time for Victor Timely to make his appearance now.

When Loki, Mobius and Sylvie get back to the TVA, they’re in shock by the number of timelines that were pruned by the rogue agents. Loki tries to stop Sylvie from leaving but she leaves without even listening to him.

You can feel Loki’s pain when says, “Please don’t. It’s harder… to stay.”

Drama, action and cinematography

Loki Season 2 Episode 2 had drama and action in it. The dialogues for this episodes are brilliantly written. There’s no filler dialogues. Everything said has meaning to it. You can empathize with the characters when they’re saying stuff, especially Loki.

Right from the very beginning, this episode gives you vibes that something big is going to happen. Towards the end, the pruning of timelines proves that the vibes were indeed true. The amount of action in this episode is like the amount of dessert you would eat after a full meal. It’s not overdone but it is necessary.

Cinematography has always been the strength with Loki and episode 2 carries forward this legacy. A majority of scenes are visual treats. The scenes are colorful which match the lighter, yet mysterious tone of this show.

With every scene and dialogue, you can feel how much of an effort Marvel Studios has put in this show.

It’s time to get the Big Gun now

It’s already been more than 2 weeks at the time of writing with Loki Season 2. The first episode was great. The second episode was great overall but the third episode has to be better.

Yes, the chemistry between characters and cinematography has been good so far. But with the clock ticking for Loki, the plot needs to be on point from now onwards or else this show will also be at par with Ms. Marvel or She-Hulk.

This show needs Victor Timely and some technical explanations of the timeline badly.

With just 4 episodes left, I hope Loki Season 2 doesn’t turn out to be a disaster.

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